Alienware Aurora R4 Thermal Controller System Fan Not Running

Hello, I cause several questions about the fans in an Aurora R4 ALX sheath.

I'm 2 or 3 weeks away from sending my Aurora R4 off to a computer repair guy. If I can, I'd like to pass connected as many bits and pieces as I can over for him to replace/update.

Regarding the 92mm silent wing fans which you swapped in. The origin fans that you pull out for the hard-drive bay and the one to a higher place are inside shrouds/case-housings (get into't know what to call them) ... is it just a case of unscrew the fastenings and then simply swop in the aftermarket fans in place of the original 92mm fans? Or is there more to it with these ii particular fans?

My current AIO cooler (a H80i) has possibly bitten the dust. It's making a rattling noise more and more frequently, the temperatures seem to have crept rising a little as well I believe... also IT's almost 7 years old... I think IT's also the movement of an periodic issue at kicking.

The computer is acquiring on now from when I bought it in 2012/13 so I'm thinking if He's inside the machine swapping out the old H80i then metre for a refresh of the rest of the fans.

1. AIO H80i v2 with x2 fans in a push/pull (Noctua NF-A12x15 Slim Fan)
My H80i currently has x2 Genus Noctua fans connected the radiator - touchstone 25mm grumose (but trying to keep on the profundity cut down as a good deal as I tush, so I'm rational that 15mm gelatinlike fans testament be better as the v2 rad is already well-nigh 1cm thicker to the current H80i radiator I have).

I'm also looking replacing the fan which screws into the heat-fall off above the CPU (SYS_FAN1) for a quieter fan. Serve you know if that's a 40x10mm OR 50x10mm - I thought it was 40 but I've read elsewhere recently that IT's a 50?

To boot, I'm looking to swap the chipset integrated heat-sink and fan (SYS_FAN2) with an EnzoTech SLF-40

Finis question the tiny fan which clips to the roof of the case (CPU_FAN ?)- is that a 40x10mm operating theatre is even smaller than that?

I'm referring to the owners manual whilst writing this and likewise trying to remember off the top of my head where their plugs are located (I cleaned it internal and out last week - have a wispy memory of what I was withdrawal method and reverting) ... ... ... hopefully you know which fans I'm talking about without me loss SYS FAN1/2 etc etc etc potentially embarrassing myself by trying to healthy wish I fully know what I'm talking about haha :rolleyes:

Why am I swapping outer working fans? (First of all the brushless chipset fans on the MB I believe are rated for around 50,000 hours - minimum I've been using the computer for 60,000 + they get rather whiney and loud sometimes).

Just sounding to quieten things down and hopefully have things running a little cooler as advisable.

Alienware Aurora R4 Thermal Controller System Fan Not Running


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